Coronavirus Isolation Activities – Here are some of the weirdest things people are doing to pass the time during the Coronavirus lockdown.
It is strange to think that removing employees from their working habitats would lead to an unexpected increase in bizarre behaviour…but this new trend is taking the world by storm. Now that the population has bled the resources of Instastory quizzes dry, is there really anything left to do? Ditch the unrealistic goals you set to read a new book, listen to a podcast series or take up yoga this isolation period and turn your attention to the new activities that have arisen as a result of complete and utter boredom.
If you’re wondering whether staying in pajamas for weeks on end with your hair scraped up in a topknot is warping your understanding of what it is to be a socially acceptable human, then you’d be correct. After 4 days of extensive research (spamming anyone and everyone we know to find out what they’ve been doing during isolation) CRISP. are here to bring you a catalogue of weird tips and tricks to keep you entertained during these long hours.
Whilst in some ways the human race has taken on the response to COVID-19 responsibly by doing what they can to help others, Whatsapp groups have definitely seen a steep decline in maturity levels. The rate of prank news stories going round our group chats is exploding and we’ve seen more click bait dick pics than ever before. Don’t let the excitement of Donald Trump potentially having Coronavirus trick you… it’s a link to a nude. But yes, do send it on.
Giant FaceTime call ins. Okay, not so weird but indeed very fun. Apple currently caps group FaceTime calls at 32 so now your friends, neighbours, colleagues, boss (maybe), et al can all hit the big green button and catch up together. Random names in your phonebook? Give them a group call and see if they pick up and (if they’re fun) whether they join in the call.
Virtual pub quizzes – half the price, half the fun depending on your WiFi connectivity and local supermarket booze stock. Making Skype sexy again with 1 quizmaster and a bunch of desperately bored isolators living vicariously through their laptops.
No more pretending to do sit-ups! It’s all about the chin and neck workouts. What are you on about we hear you cry?! Well, that random bit of skin that is technically part of the neck, but also technically part of the chin is the new pumped up booty, bicep or six pack. A few nods up and down, side to side, and ‘around the worlds’ should do absolutely nothing to change the appearance of this area but it’s worth trying it anyway to pass the time. Fascinatingly the more we looked into this, the more we found training videos on YouTube with classes especially for this area. Not one for backflips? Facial gymnastics welcomes you with open arms.
Want more of a workout? Apparently during global pandemics it becomes acceptable for adults to start learning dance routines on TikTok. Yes, we know adults have been dancing on TikTok for a while now, and no, it was never acceptable.
Going to the zoo…digitally. Yep, that’s right. You were probably never going in person anyway but now you’re in isolation it’s all the rage. At the Cincinnati Zoo, the staff are offering what they call ‘Home Safaris’ live via their Facebook page every weekday. Learn more about your favourite creatures and take part in a quiz at the end of every episode.
Whilst your favourite Influencers will be telling you to colour coordinate your wardrobes and take pleasure in the fact that you now have the time to re-organise your cutlery draws, find peace in the reality that absolutely nobody is doing this.
Feel proud to be amongst the many of us who will do absolutely nothing productive to pass the time over the next couple of weeks…and we can’t wait.

Instagram – @eloiseemartinn