The majority of the time you’ll ask yourself or go on a quest to find out “HOW to get abs”, but have you ever asked yourself WHY?
Have you ever wondered why you say you want something yet the majority of your actions imply the exact opposite?
Understanding what you want and why is integral toward being focused and determined to achieve a task, especially if it’s a difficult one.
- Why do you want to earn more money?
- Why do you want a nice house?
- Why do you want nice clothes?
I bet you could tell me strong reasons for all three of those questions and that’s probably why you work so damn hard.
You’ve probably managed to achieve all three and more than once!
But here is the thing with weight loss, you might say you want to lose a bit of weight or I’d like to look like so and so.
- What is wrong with how you are now?
- What would losing a bit of weight do for you?
- How would it make you feel?
The answer to these questions are important! How can you be motivated or disciplined to do something when you don’t even think about how it could benefit you?
It’s no wonder you lose motivation if you are giving yourself a task to do which seemingly has no purpose. Even if the answer is egotistical, it’s a very strong reason to go to the gym!
Think about it for a second. Why do you buy expensive clothes? Why do you want to spend thousands on a new bag or a new watch?
The same reason you might reach for food when you are upset. The same reason you might crack open a bottle at the end of a day’s work.
Because it makes you feel GOOD!
As human beings, we tend to lean toward instant gratification over harder or painful tasks. The quick fix, the get rich quick, we want it NOW and a lot of people are willing to pay a lot of money if it means skipping out the hard work…like butt implants or liposuction.
Food and alcohol give you that instant gratification, you always feel great after a workout but you have to go through the struggle of the workout first.
One requires little effort, the other requires graft.
You are capable of achieving great success when you put your mind to something. You will never get a pay rise, promotion or build a business if the benefits of why you want to succeed are not at the forefront of your mind.
But when it is it becomes easy to work your arse off!
Have a word with yourself.
If you were to brainstorm what it is about your current level of health or physical appearance that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable, then repeated the exact same thing for how you would feel if you were to be in shape, more energetic and healthier, then you would have very strong reasons motivate yourself staring you in the face.
Why would you settle for less when you deserve more?
Do Something About It
If you need help to get started you can follow me on Instagram for recipes, tips on diet and exercise or if you need a coach to help guide you through your journey then let’s have a chat.
Request consultations OVER HERE.

Follow Nathan on Instagram on the link below for the most up to date health and wellness advice and to experience his personal training sessions on Instagram live.